MSAHT Learning and Action Network


Community Outreach & Education


Roadways and AIR Waves Program

Through the MSAHT Independent Living Assistance Program, we provide financial assistance to high-risk youth and survivors to prevent them from being placed in a position where they would be human trafficked. Our program is designed for people at high risk of human trafficking, including:

• Applicants who have successful completed a human trafficking program.

• Domestic violence or sexual abuse has been a part of the applicant's past.

• Those aged 18-24 with a history of involvement with the juvenile justice system or child welfare.

• The applicant is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

As a result of their vulnerabilities, these survivors are targets, and we want to make sure they are successful in establishing themselves as independent living and self-sufficient individuals. In this demographic, self-sufficiency is often a challenge, and additional support is often needed.

These regional Learning & Action (LAN) meetings offer local law enforcement officers, community leaders, and citizens a platform to discuss the human trafficking going on in their region of the state because let’s be honest, what is human trafficking in North Mississippi looks very different than what is going on the coast or in the delta or the state capital. These meetings are intended to promote eye-opening awareness of regional specific trafficking, discuss available resources, and help communities and their leaders navigate the complexity of the issue with the hope of creating an impact of better prosecutions of these crimes, and care for the victims. The intended audience for these meetings includes but is not limited to law enforcement personnel, mayors, aldermen, influential individuals, educational professionals, judicial leaders, district attorneys, healthcare professionals, and residents.

In addition to raising awareness about human trafficking in our state, MSAHT wants to educate others on how to identify it, how to report it, and how certain industries can create policies and procedures regarding it for the future. As part of our educational program development, we speak to groups, create industry-specific education, and work with corporate partners, businesses, and community leaders to stay up to date on the latest news.

Human Trafficking in Mississippi is not a Jackson problem, a Southaven problem, or a Gulf Coast problem. From rural Mississippi to the capital, human trafficking is a problem is a problem facing every corner of the state. The Roadways and Air Waves program provides funds for radio announcements, social media ads, YouTube videos, podcasts, and billboards to end human slavery in our state once and for all.